Thursday, May 31, 2007

I have a confession.

Two years ago, I was in Effingham for a wedding. The hotel at which the wedding reception was held was across the street from a Taco Bell. As the reception was concluding, my friend and I tasked ourselves with fetching Taco Bell for a big group. However, because it was just after midnight, only the Taco Bell drive-thru was open. So we attempted to order from the drive thru. They refused to let us do so.

Thankfully, as we were about to give up and disappoint twenty very hungry drunk people back at the reception, a car with two young kids (about 20-21) pulled into the drive-thru. Offering to buy their Taco Bell, we asked if they would allow us to sit on their trunk while they went through the drive-thru and bought our food for us. (I have no idea why we didn't just get in the car or walk behind them. Probably because we were drunk) They agreed. As we started to implement our plan, however, I noticed that these young chaps had open alcohol in the car. And they were visibly drunk. This was certainly a disappointment, but I'd already given them my money and was facing a mob of T-Bell cravers back at the reception. Unfortunately, the absurd sight of two guys sitting on the back of car while it went through the Taco Bell drive-thru caught the attention of one of Effingham's finest, who had been passing by on the main road. The officer pulled into the parking lot, stopped his car, and just sat there.

When our order was ready we grabbed our food, hopped off the back of the guy's trunk, and started to walk back to the reception. Not suprisingly, as soon our new friend pulled out of the drive-thru, police lights immediate turned on.

So, in sum, because of my Taco Bell craving, I likely caused what appeared to be a twenty-year old kid to receive (1) a DUI, (2) a ticket for open alcohol, and (possibly) (3) a ticket for underaged drinking. I'd like to say that I don't feel bad because anyone drinking and driving that brazenly probably deserves to get caught. But the fact of the matter is that he almost assuredly would not have been pulled over if not for my idea that I ride on the back of his car while he went throught the drive-thru. Anyhow, the Taco Bell was well worth it.

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