Friday, March 31, 2006

Question about stereotypes and their accuracy.

I think we would agree that generally, stereotypes are pretty dumb generalizations. But what stereotypes do you find, from your life experiences, turn out to be more accurate than others?

Example: When I'm driving on campus, and I see someone doing a stupid (even for campus driving) maneuver, I say to myself, "please don't be Asian, PLEASE don't be Asian" so as not to reinforce a negative stereotype in my head.

And unfortunately, when I look, at least 80% of the time they turn out to be Asian.

Any stereotypes you've come across that are true more than you would like them to be?

And please don't say "loud Indians."


Chintan K. Amin said...


Anonymous said...

LOL awesome

Anonymous said...

One stereotype that is nearly 100 percent accurate.

Names that are comprised of a normal american name, with a random prefix added. Examples "DeShaun" or "LaWanda".

These people will almost always be black. And I only say always because I have not met every single person named using that convention. But I will say that I have never seen a person named like that who wasn't black.