Thursday, July 5, 2007


I just can't get over the crap kids get away with these days compared to my youth.
If one of my uncles called me a smartass, in a serious tone, I'm sure it would have been because I had been disrespectful, and my Dad would have made it very clear to me that that won't fly.
Even for a girl. My 13 y.o. daughter is a real smartass, at least to me.
Fortunately she hasn't taken her attitude towards any of her aunts or uncles, but the first time she does, will be the last.
If one of my nieces or nephews copped an attitude with me I wouldn't hesitate to tell them they were a smartass. If my brother called me out on it (whether his wife put him up to it or not), I'd tell him his kid is a brat and to go pound sand.

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