Wednesday, March 14, 2007

ok, i'm really pissed at my gf...

I'm in bed ... broken...

she lives cross town. She still hasn't come to see me. Granted she doesnt' have a car. Its been two days. The reason I'm hurt is cause I went over to comfort her about some family problems. I stayed over on her tiny bed. I slept really twisted and it effed up my back. Now I'm layed out.

I hurt myself to comfort her. Now she is too busy (she is doing a ton of PhD shite) to come over. I don't need hours of her time.. just some dinner and a kiss.

Am I over reacting?

BTW... this is her latest email (its sweet, but actions speak louder than words in my book):


I'm sorry. I miss you and I can't help but feel guilty =( I miss you a lot. I want you to know that. Always thinking about you.....


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