Friday, March 9, 2007

dear hctib that invited me to the movies,

do NOT EVER make me look like a dumbssa EVER again. EVER!

do NOT EVER invite me to be the third wheel EVER again.

do NOT EVER ignore me like you did tonight.

finally, do NOT EVER call me for a ride EVER again. I will not be answering your phone calls/text messages/IMs.

i sure hope that guy has that bubbly personality, because even i have him beat on looks, and i am not all that 'hot' myself, so i really do not know what he has.

ps: 300 was good, as long as i kept my eyes on the screen and not the shennigans that was going on right next to me.

pss: i was not one of the guys with 'smuggled' beer that ended up dropping t and spilling it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMFCO, I love that this is still at the top of the page.