Thursday, June 1, 2006

So I need some advice re: rent...

I found this place last night that I posted about last night. I love it. It has everything I want and the girl that owns the house seems really cool and I think we'd get along well. At the end of the tour, she tells me all about herself and her family and then she lays the cost of rent on me. It's a little more than I'm wanting to pay (honestly I'm not quite sure at the moment how I'll afford it), but I just said "ok."

I'm not much of a negotiator, but do you think it's worth me asking if she'll knock off $50 or so?

Sidenote: the part that really got me was when she said she could afford to pay the mortgage on her own, but she's hoping to buy a BMW by next May... makes me less sympathetic...

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