Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Guys are gross

So I'm taking advantage of the Mc Donald's Summer savings deal of 69 cents for a vanilla cone or 42 oz soft drink. I usually just get a diet coke, but today it was warm and i was kinda hungry and i'm going from babysitting to bradley to work and I thought 'i'll get a diet coke and an ice cream cone'

So I'm eating my ice cream cone at the light and I notice that the truck next to me is pulled up right beside me even though my car is several cars back. He is in the turn lane. So I think to myself 'he isn't going to get a turn signal sitting way back here' and I glance over. And what do I see but two grown men STARING at me, BOTH of them! They were at least in their 30s, probably 40s and they were watching me eat my ice cream cone! I put the cone down and looked in the mirror (giving them the benefit of the doubt that I may of some on my face or something). When it was apparent I wasn't going to be eating my cone again anytime soon they slowly rolled forward to the light.

I then continued to eat my ice cream cone.

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