Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Boys are disgusting! :P

So today I'm just walking to my car, minding my own business, and I see this one guy glance at my hips. That is SO GROSS and it creeped me out! I hope he couldn't tell that I wasn't wearing any underwear!

I was sucking on a water bottle. He probably liked that too! Dirty old man!!

lol j/k hrmph


Anonymous said...

I KNOW!!! I just finished working out, and one of the guys lifting weights glanced at my chestular area, TWICE!! Maybe it's because I was bouncing all over the place (stupid cheap sports bra), but come one, have a little decency, fratty.

Sarah said...

Hey, I didn't post this here! :cuss

SeƱor Texan said...

liar liar pants on fire